Rare Pepe Wikipedia

This token is merely a tribute to the beloved and widely recognized meme that has captured the hearts of the internet community. $KEK is a meme coin devoid of any intrinsic value or promise of financial gains. With no official team or roadmap, this coin serves purely as a source of entertainment and holds no utility. Its sole purpose is to celebrate the spirit of a meme we all cherish. The people trading Rare Pepes and PepeCash don’t see them as just another flash-in-the-pan alternative currency, though.

“Also, you have to be aware that Pepe as a symbol of hate and racism by alt-rights is a merely North American thing. We have people from Japan, Spain, France, the U.S., Switzerland (myself), Russia, Turkey, South Africa and many other countries. One thing you’ll notice about the selection of Pepe cards—and the Rare Pepe trading community at large—is that they don’t carry even a whiff of Pepe’s status as an alt-right, white supremacist, pro-Donald-Trump icon. Traders can buy and sell the Pepes using Counterparty currency, but they prefer a cryptocurrency called PepeCash, which currently trades at 302 PepeCash to the dollar.

  • It recently changed hands for 1 million PepeCash (currently about $3,300).
  • You can tell his style, like, if you’re going through the Pepes and you’ve seen one that he’s done, you’ll notice him as you click through after that.
  • Another feature that I have that you probably don’t know about is you can create Rare Pepe gift cards.
  • A one-of-a-kind card called “OnlyOnePepe” is currently on sale for the PepeCash equivalent of $11,589.

I thought it was a pretty funny example because it’s, like, here I’m taking this digital thing and making it physical. A lot of people have tried pairing the blockchain with provenance for a piece of art. They are essentially saying “you have to have this token that goes with this art piece” because they’re trying to take that physical art and make it digital; whereas Pepe kind of switched that whole thing on its head. We said, “here I have this digital art and I made it physical”. Pepe the Frog‘s decade-long journey from webcomic character to everyman meme to alleged hate symbol has been a topsy-turvy one, but his importance to the meme economy cannot be denied. The trope of trading and collecting “Rare Pepes,” distinctive images of the famous frog, has been part of meme culture for years.

I think those guys in that article are probably the ones spending $40,000 for a Rare Pepe. But this idea that you can have this token and you can prove that you own it, and so you can actually prove digitally that you own it, and through an API. So the first thing that comes to mind is extra-bonus content, an extra area you can get into — kind of like a VIP pass that lets you in somewhere. I’ve never charged artists to put bonus content in the wallet.

All it takes is a payment of 4,000 PepeCash (roughly $13), a dank idea, and some design skills. These aren’t necessarily the Pepes that posters on 4chan and Reddit would consider “dank” (most Pepes aren’t presented in card form, after all) but their rarity makes them a commodity. A one-of-a-kind card called “OnlyOnePepe” is currently on sale for the PepeCash equivalent of $11,589. Meanwhile, the “Top Cuck” Pepe, with 10,000 copies in circulation, can be yours for less than a dollar. Additionally, the idea that there was value—even imaginary or purely social value—in Rare Pepe memes caused the demand for Pepes to go up, and the market to become flooded by new content. $KEK coin is not affiliated with Matt Furie or his creation, Pepe the Frog.

The Rare Pepe economy is real, and there’s serious money behind it

A recent price jump seems to have been triggered by a January Vice article and an article Wednesday in France’s Le Monde that introduced Rare Pepe Wallets to a new group of meme fanatics. A blockchain-based platform called Counterparty lets users make anything into a unique digital token, and “anything” now includes Rare Pepes. A February article from Reddit’s Meme Insider, a parody trade publication dedicated to serious coverage of memes, explains how the fictitious market for Rare Pepes became a booming business. “Most of the community don’t think Pepe is an alt-right thing. Some (like me) think that we should Make Pepe Great Again and free him of that connotation,” Pepe trading enthusiast Django Bates told the Daily Dot via email.

And then we have gotten some where it’s like somebody literally took five seconds, went into Microsoft Paint, and drew a Pepe. So we’ll say that low-effort Pepes are not going to be accepted. We do some curation there, but I have to say that if you go through and start from series one and go all the way to series 30, you’ll see the quality — we definitely attracted real artists, and the quality of Pepes has gotten really good. There’s some really, really good ones that people definitely spent a lot of time and are very talented artists. Book of Orbs wallet is an app for your phone and supports spells of genesis and RarePepe cards. On the Rare Pepe Traders group chat, there’s plenty of excitement about the PepeCash boom, but it’s also clear that the traders and card creators have a passion for the meme.

  • You can easily track this wallet using the ENS name “RAREpepecexwallet.eth”.The other 10.8% is secured, reserved exclusively for future centralized exchange listings, bridges, and liquidity pools.
  • So we’ll say that low-effort Pepes are not going to be accepted.
  • $KEK is a meme coin devoid of any intrinsic value or promise of financial gains.
  • Book of Orbs wallet is an app for your phone and supports spells of genesis and RarePepe cards.

I made a happy holidays one and handed it out before Christmas, 2016. When you create a gift card, you send the Pepe to another address that you just create at that moment and the private key is encoded as the gift card’s secret code. So the whole idea was the way you could get new people into Pepe is you literally just give them this gift card, they go to the website, type in a code, and it sends them to Pepe, and they have it.

Rare Pepe Tutorials: Part 1 – Setting Up Rarepepe Wallet

So, instead of Trumpist Pepes, you’ll find card designs like My Little Pepe, which might be the most expensive Rare Pepe ever sold. It recently changed hands for 1 million PepeCash (currently about $3,300). (no stealing!)  Our experts understand that lots of Pepe’s borrow  from each other to an extent, but try to add as much Original content as possible. You’re going to need a Bitcoin compatible wallet to buy, store and sell your Pepe assets. Check out this quick guide to learn about the best wallets available. Dogecoin, for example, was just a rebranded Bitcoin running on the same technology.


They don’t need to get Bitcoin, they don’t need to do anything. So it was kind of a way to spread the word of Rare Pepe and give this gift card and the person that gets it. Literally all they need to be able how to buy maker coin to do is go to a website and type in the code on the card, like you would do with any gift card. Another thing that I demonstrated during my demo was the OpenDime Pepes, which was the physical Pepe.

PepeCash is different because of its connection to the Rare Pepe cards themselves, which are fun to collect and desirable to meme aficionados on their own terms. This manual approval hyperspace coin process means none of the 1,200 compromised Pepes from the 2015 “Peppening” is likely to show up on the site. Some of them may still be dank, but they’re no longer rare.

Trading images of Pepe the Frog is now a booming business.

And I was surprised that the rate at which they were selling. It seems like maybe in half an hour to an hour of the auction, and I heard it cleared about $100,000 in Pepe total, I think. You can tell his style, like, if you’re going through the Pepes and you’ve seen one that he’s done, you’ll notice him as you click through after that. SCHROEPEPE – The Schroepepe is simultaneously alive and dead. It appears differently based on which device it is displayed on.

Another feature that I have that you probably don’t know about is you can create Rare Pepe gift cards. It’s a feature that isn’t really used a lot now since the Bitcoin transaction fees have skyrocketed in the last couple of months. But when the fee was a dollar or two, what you could do is you could create these gift cards and they actually look like gift cards — it’s kind of a Pepe in the middle and a nice border.


On the Pepe trading hub RarePepeWallet.com, you’ll find hundreds of Rare Pepe images, all formatted to look like trading cards. Each exists in a limited quantity, anywhere from one to thousands, and no new copies will ever be issued. The piece, by pseudonymous redditor JeffTheDunker, describes how the Rare Pepe economy initially functioned on a system of “Good Boy Points,” a largely fictitious currency that people would trade for new and unique images of Pepe. Crypto artists how to buy bft used these resources to publish their work as digital tokens with a fixed circulation[9] and then issued the art to collectors who then sold, traded, or stored their collections. And I don’t see any reason why as long as Bitcoin and cryptocurrency keeps going the way it’s going, gets more adoption — I think that would just kind of be the new segment of the art world. And here’s these other rich people that all got rich in this type of thing and they buy this kind of art.

What are Some Major Innovations Attributable to Rare Pepe Wallet?

No matter how much money you dump into Rare Pepes, though, you’ll never own them all. There are a handful of one-of-a-kind Pepes, and some of their owners may have lost the passphrases to their Pepe wallets or may never sell their precious rares. There are already more than 500 distinct cards, and collectors can submit their own original Rare Pepes for consideration.

We’ve seen Rare Pepes traded on Craigslist before, where physical drawings or printouts of the frog that were offered in exchange for cold, hard cash—sometimes as much as $100. We’ve even seen them sell on eBay for nearly $100,000—probably as a joke. But JeffTheDunker also suggests there’s a real demand for unusual digital images of Pepe, even though it seems like those images should be trivial to replicate.

I don’t know how technical you want me to get, but essentially, you couldn’t share that link because it’s kind of tied to your computer. 80% of the tokens were allocated to the liquidity pool, with LP tokens burnt and the contract renounced. You can easily track this wallet using the ENS name “RAREpepecexwallet.eth”.The other 10.8% is secured, reserved exclusively for future centralized exchange listings, bridges, and liquidity pools. A fully working rare pepe wallet to view the Pepes you own (best for browser). The Rare Pepe economy is based on real money, and PepeCash is starting to take off.